Road Fabrics’ continuing education lunchtime seminar is a free service that provides training on the latest information, technology and applications of our products. Presentations are tailored to meet your needs. If you want a session exclusively on PetroMat Enviro Paving Mat, we can do that. If you would prefer for us to cover a variety of topics, we can do that as well.

Generally, sessions last one hour depending on the information requested. Continuing education credit hours or PDH’s are available depending on the duration of the session. Sessions can take place at any time of day – whatever is convenient for you and your colleagues. Just review the list of topics we offer, contact Road Fabrics, and we will schedule your session.

At a time of tight budgets and limited financial resources, clients in both private and public sectors are looking for the most cost effective ways to deliver a quality product and project. This program is designed to provide you with the latest technological advancements in our products. Ultimately this will give you options as you work to deliver your project on time and on or under budget.

If you are interested in scheduling a continuing education seminar, contact us at 630.293.3111 or fill out the contact sheet on the right and we will begin scheduling your session.

Available Lunchtime Seminars

  • Pavement Interlayers – Using pavement waterproofing interlayers and fiberglass reinforcement grids in your paving. Covered products include fabrics and grids from Ten Cate Mirafi and Tensar.
  • Forta-Fi Asphalt Fibers – Learn the benefits of fiber reinforced asphalt which include an extended asphalt life of up to 50% and reduced asphalt thickness of up to 35%.
  • J-Band – a Void Reducing Asphalt Membrane (VRAM) or Longitudinal Joint Sealant (LJS) helps to stop premature paving joint failures
  • Pavement Optimization and Subgrade Stabilization – Using geogrids to stabilize subgrades and design software to optimize pavement sections. Products included are Tensar InterAx (NX) or TriAx (TX) Geogrids.
  • Ground Separation Solutions – Designing retaining walls and slopes with Tensar’s SierraScape, Mesa, and Sierra Slope systems.

 …or you can tailor your own. Just go to and choose any product we offer.