GlasGrid Reinforcement System

The GlasGrid® Asphalt Reinforcement System is composed of fiberglass strands coated with an elastomeric polymer and formed into a grid structure. Each strand has a remarkably high tensile strength and high modulus of elasticity; this is particularly important as asphalt concrete typically cracks at low strains.

When the GlasGrid System is sandwiched between the leveling course and the surface course in an asphalt overlay, it becomes the hidden strength in the road, turning vertical crack stresses horizontally to effectively dissipate them.

GlasGrid 8501/8511
GlasGrid 8502/8512
GlasGrid CompoGrid


Easily Installed, Durable in Any Climate

The GlasGrid System can be easily installed without specialized equipment or labor.

Fully Millable and Recyclable

Unlike other interlayer systems, the GlasGrid System is easily broken up by conventional milling equipment and reusable in other road projects as recycled asphalt pavement (RAP).

Smooth Landings on Airport Pavements

The GlasGrid System has been successfully used on more than 100 airport projects, including full width and spot repairs, for more than two decades.

Lower Cost Pavements

When overall life cycle costs are considered, the GlasGrid System can save up to 30% on the total cost of a pavement rehabilitation.

Thinner Pavements

Airport overlays reinforced with the GlasGrid System retard reflective cracking as well as an unreinforced overlay up to twice as thick.

Extension of Pavement Life

Reduced maintenance, with longer maintenance intervals.

GlasGrid® TF (Tack Film)

The GlasGrid® TF (Tack Film) System provides all the benefits of GlasGrid product, but without the challenges of having to apply a conventional tack coat. With a pre-installed layer of polymer tack film, GlasGrid TF performs like the original GlasGrid System, protecting against reflective cracking while it bonds to asphalt overlays.Convenient installation is just one of its many benefits. Laboratory beam testing indicates that GlasGrid TF delivers five times the fatigue performance of an unreinforced asphalt section, resulting in longer life for asphalt overlays. With no tack coat emulsion to prepare and apply, owners and installers save on time, labor and material costs, increasing productivity. The elimination of a conventional tack coat also reduces VOC emissions from construction.

GlasGrid 8511TF
GlasGrid 8512TF


Mirafi® MPG100

Mirafi® MPG100 is the solution for pavement engineers. Asphalt reinforcement by high-modulus glass filaments, combined with the sealing and uniform bonding effect of the nonwoven geotextile, provides effective maintenance and prolongs the working life of road structure.
Mirafi® MPG100 composite is a reinforced paving interlayer with high strength, low elongation and high asphalt absorption. When installed with sufficient asphalt cement tack coat on a properly prepared surface, Mirafi® MPG composite and the tack coat form an impermeable interlayer system that is fully recyclable and adds long-term lifecycle cost benefits to your pavement.

Mirafi MPG100



High load-properties at low strain (<3%) appropriate for heavy loaded pavements.

Cost Effectiveness

Suitable for full width overlay, local patch and joint repair


Moisture cannot penetrate into the road structure


Maintenance intervals are considerably extended.

Stress Relief

Retards crack propagation from the old surface to the new overlay.

Adhesive Bonding

Provides uniform bonding between old and new asphalt layers


Easily included in asphalt resurfacing projects.


Can be milled with conventional milling machines.


Chemically resistant to road salt.

Mirafi® MPG4

Mirafi® MPG4 is a composite paving interlayer comprised of a lightweight polypropylene paving fabric reinforced with continuous filament fiberglass, mechanically fastened in the machine, cross and bias angle directions. This unique, patent pending paving interlayer is designed for highly distressed pavement conditions and in addition, the material will provide a moisture barrier against further moisture intrusion. The lightweight polypropylene fabric requires less asphalt tack, saving on installation costs without compromising performance

Mirafi MPG4



Mirafi® MPG4 adds pavement reinforcement by improving the fatigue resistance of the new overlay to traffic loads and delaying reflective cracking by utilizing the multi-directional design of the grid.

Material Design

Mirafi® MPG4 by its unique design is the first multi-directional composite paving grid offering 360° reinforcement to distressed pavements in all directions.


Mirafi® MPG4 can be milled and recycled into hot mix asphalt and reused saving on disposal costs lessening construction costs.


Mirafi® MPG4 installs easily using standard paving fabric equipment. The unique mechanically bonded structure provides optimum performance while providing a product that is less prone to wrinkling than other interlayers in this category.


The installed Mirafi® MPG4 produces a saturated interlayer that promotes rehealing, which allows for moving asphalt at intersections, which reduces the likelihood of delamination.

Traffic Improvement

The multidirectional grid reinforcement improves the fatigue life of the overlay, to allow it to carry more traffic. Useful in applications where you have to maintain the curb reveal, but you need to increase the structural capacity. Equivalent to 2-3” of HMA.