The Ultimate Crack
Inhibiting, Stress
Absorbing, Water
Proofing Membrane
FiberMat® is a pavement preservation technique which produces sufficient tensile strength and flexibility to absorb movements in the pavement structure and can delay the pavement cracking.
Where permanent lateral movement of the overlay might occur – due to cracks in the underlying material – FiberMat® reduces the magnitude of the resulting strain in the overlay by spreading it over a greater area.
While conventional stress absorbing membranes simply relieve stress, Fibermat® acts as a cushion. Its thickness absorbs stresses, thereby acting as a true stress absorbing membrane.

Type A - Surface Treatment
FiberMat® Type A uses the patented FiberMat® process – a combination of special polymer modified asphalt emulsion, chopped fiberglass strands and aggregate. This robust mixture acts as a highly resilient waterproof membrane that effectively bridges alligator distressed pavements and also delays reflective cracking.
Why it Works:
Research has concluded that FiberMat® Type A has significant tensile strength and flexibility to absorb movements in the pavement structure and delay the pavement from cracking. The research also showed that the wheel track cracking rate improved by 300% due to the fiberglass delaying the top-down cracking. This membrane is proven to be effective in dissipating stresses and improving aggregate interlock with help of the fiberglass strands.Application:
A specially developed unit chops glass fibers in-place and sandwiches them between two layers of asphalt emulsion prior to the application of a application of 1/4”, 3/8”, or 1/2" size aggregate, or combinations thereof, which is then rolled into the surface. The glass fibers are applied at a rate of nominally 2oz/ square yard, depending on the severity of the cracking. Prior to and following fiber distribution, polymer modified asphalt emulsion is applied in two simultaneous layers totaling 0.4-0.6 gal/ square yard.Type B - Interlayer
FiberMat® Type B is a combination of special polymer modified asphalt emulsion, chopped fiberglass strands, and aggregate. This mixture acts as a highly resilient waterproof membrane that seals and effectively delays reflective cracking.
FiberMat® Type B differs from Type A in that it is a Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI). Type B is superior to other treatments as there are no adhesion problems and the membrane cannot gather or tear because it is sprayed in place.
FiberMat® Type B is also faster to apply than conventional SAMI’s. It can be opened to traffic within 15 minutes of initial application and the overlaying of the final wearing course; the latter may even be applied at a later date. These may be HMA/ Ultra-Thin Wearing Course/ Microsurfacing.
The application can be customized to address specific problem areas on the roadway allowing optimization of distress control dictated by the condition of the pavement.

Why it Works:
Research performed at Nottingham University in the United Kingdom concluded that FiberMat® Type B has sufficient tensile strength and flexibility to absorb movements in the pavement structure and can prevent the pavement from cracking.
Where permanent lateral movement of the overlay might occur – due to cracks in the underlying material – FiberMat® Type B reduces the magnitude of the resulting strain in the overlay by spreading it over a greater area. The membrane dissipates stresses through the fiberglass horizontally rather than vertically to create a robust control system.
While conventional SAMI’s simply relieve stress, FiberMat® Type B acts like a cushion – its thickness absorbs stresses, thereby acting as a true stress absorbing membrane.
A specially developed patented machine drops fiberglass strands in-place between two layers of polymer modified asphalt emulsion. The fiberglass strands are applied at a rate of typically 2.5-4 oz/ square yard, depending on the severity of the cracking.
The asphalt emulsion is applied in two simultaneous streams totaling approximately 0.4-0.5 gallons/ SY. This is then followed by the application of a light dressing of ¼” size aggregate, which is then compressed into the robust FiberMat® surface.